How to Deal With Anxiety Disorders and Other Mental Health Issues

Mental health, described by the World Health Organization as “uneven stress-related distress”, is “an important state of well being in which an individual realizes his/her capabilities, can cope effectively with the day-to-day stresses of life and, in general, is able to contribute meaningfully to his or her social network”. Mental health comprises the ability to learn new things, to adapt to changes, self-organized and goal-oriented thinking, and the ability to develop relationships. It also involves an emotional balance and the ability to maintain wellness through positive mental states, experiences and thoughts. It is essential for the development of individual’s social and interpersonal skills, but it is also a significant factor in their physical and biological wellbeing.

Mental Health

Individuals who are mentally healthy have balanced emotions that facilitate the process of living a healthy and full life. They are able to express themselves creatively, making friends easily and enjoying relationships without the need for perfectionism. They are able to accept criticism constructively, take risks to explore and expand their horizons, and develop their talents and skills. A happy and fulfilling life is dependent on a healthy emotional well-being. The ability to communicate well, to make logical decisions, to solve problems, and to manage effectively all contribute to maintaining good mental health.

The ability to work productively, even when performing difficult tasks, under a stress-free environment is crucial to long-term mental health and functioning. Individuals who are mentally healthy are more capable of getting the work done that they are expected to do, they are able to complete projects on time, they don’t have major setbacks or unexpected difficulties, they can relax, plan, and organize effectively, they are not distracted, and they have high levels of productivity. In addition, individuals who are mentally healthy are more likely to succeed in academic and career settings. These individuals have higher educational achievement and earn more than those with less healthy mental health. For these reasons, a good attitude is as important to mental health as it is to physical health.

There are multiple causes of mental health problems. Work-related stress, family history of mental health problems, poor diet, and brain chemistry all influence an individual’s ability to function within the society. Work-related stress can be extreme or subtle, causing an individual to have a hard time functioning or having a negative impact on their performance. Family history of mental health problems can be determined through a careful examination of the family’s history. If there are more mental health problems than the average in the family, families should seek treatment for their members. If there are few family members affected by mental health problems, the mental health problems are likely from genetics.

Changes in daily tasks, such as not taking care of yourself properly, not taking care of your mental health problems, or avoiding challenging situations can lead to a decline in your quality of life. Individuals that take care of themselves mentally and physically can go on to live a happier life. However, individuals that refuse to take care of themselves, that avoid challenging situations, or that do not pay attention to their daily tasks may be at risk for serious physical and psychological disorders.

There are many different illnesses out there, including depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorders, and bipolar disorder. While these illnesses can be life changing and debilitating, there is hope for individuals who suffer from them. You can get help for any of the mental health issues that you may have. No matter what type of illness you are suffering from, there is treatment available for it.